Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Learn About Inorganic Chemistry Nomenclature Tutors

Learn About Inorganic Chemistry Nomenclature TutorsIf you are an aspiring chemist, who also happens to be interested in learning about the science of chemistry, you may consider enrolling as an inorganic chemistry nomenclature tutor. The truth is that, not only do you have a chance to become a part of the prestigious profession, but also, you have a great opportunity to make yourself valuable in the industry.With the rising demand for inorganic chemistry teachers, one can hardly find a better opportunity than becoming a chemistry nomenclature tutor. Most students who are interested in enrolling in an accredited school for further education never choose this option. If you have the desire to learn this exciting and influential subject matter, this is your time to shine.Of course, a certain amount of basic science knowledge is needed in order to understand what chemistry is all about. While there are many free online chemistry books available on the internet, the majority of these mate rials are actually computer-based and hence, not necessarily suited for a student's reading and study style.A chemistry nomenclature tutor, on the other hand, has his own knowledge and background. He will be able to teach you the basics and other important elements of the subject matter in a way that you can understand. Hence, this enables you to focus on your studies instead of your hobbies.In addition to the free online chemistry books, the rest of the subjects related to chemistry are also taught through videos and computer-based lessons. This is of tremendous benefit to students who prefer reading and studying rather than sitting at a desk. This allows them to study at their own pace and time.To become an inorganic chemistry nomenclature tutor, you only need to have a degree or diploma from a college or university and a host of other relevant qualifications. Once you have all the required qualifications, you can also apply for a post as a teacher. You may, for example, become a medical professor or a chemistry teacher at a university clinic.On completing your education, you may then qualify for a further course, which would provide you with a degree. The vast majority of colleges and universities offer accelerated programs so that you can finish your studies as soon as possible. Depending on your choice of institutions, you may also find it useful to acquire a degree in teaching and science.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Interview with Simon Singh

Interview with Simon Singh We had a very special treat yesterday: a visit from Simon Singh! Yes that’s the Simon Singh, science and maths author who has worked for the BBC’s Science and Features Department, directed the BAFTA award-winning documentary ‘Fermat’s Last Theorem’, created education programmes Undergraduate Ambassadors Scheme and the Enigma Project and has written many fantastic books: ‘Fermat’s Last Theorem’, ‘The Code Book’, ‘Big Bang’, ‘Trick or Treatment’ and his latest, ‘The Simpsons and Their Mathematical Secrets’.  Whoa! Simon has a vision to inspire young people with maths and science. In a world that progresses via innovations in maths and science we need more mathematicians, scientists and engineers - and for that, we need more maths and science teachers - and for that, we need more people studying maths and science at university. But how can we make this happen? Simon has some revolutionary ideas about how to nurture and develop students’ talents in maths and science, encouraging them to study these subjects at higher levels. We managed to grab Simon for a little interview at the end of our chat: Tutorfair: Why do you love maths and science? Simon: I think the question is, why wouldn’t you? Science is exciting! Just think about everything that’s been going on with the Big Bang at the moment. It’s fantastic. For maths, it’s a bit different. I originally did maths in order to do science, but after writing a lot about science, I began to see the beauty of maths. Take the number 26: it’s the only number between a squared number (25) and a cubed number (27). Despite the fact that there is an infinite quantity of numbers, we can prove that 26 is the only one. That’s really cool. In maths you can answer the questions, ‘How does that happen?’ and ‘How do we prove it?’ Why did you decide to study Physics at university? I grew up during the space race so I was drawn to the physical sciences. I love learning about the universe. Why do you think it’s important for children to learn maths and science? Maths and science can bring tremendous joy! If they excite you, then they could become your career. But otherwise, maths and science have an impact on our lives â€" they help us understand how things work which is important. Even if your job has nothing to do with science, you will need to vote on issues like climate change or genetic engineering; you will need to decide whether to vaccinate your children and so on. So it’s important to understand the science and maths behind these concepts. We find that children need tutoring the most for maths and science. Why do you think that is? Maths is particularly not natural. Take my son, for instance: he learnt to talk and to walk and a lot of other things, all by himself. But counting did not come naturally; he had to be taught it. The idea of using a symbol to represent something is not natural for him. And maths becomes more and more abstract. Science is a bit different, but it has been argued that it’s also not so natural, making it more difficult to learn. What would your words of wisdom be to kids who are currently struggling with maths or science? They are such important subjects. You need to know the basis of maths and science to be an active citizen so stick at it and you’ll get there. Can you tell us a bit more about the education projects you started â€" the  Undergraduate Ambassadors Scheme (UAS) and the Enigma Project? UAS provides university departments with the framework for a module which awards academic credit for undergraduates studying STEM subjects to work with teachers in local schools. They go into the schools once a week for about 10 weeks. Everyone is happy. The students love getting the experience and the teachers love having the support. The students are learning skills highly valued by employers, and the course is tough, so the academic credits are well deserved. This module runs in about 100 university departments now across the UK. The Enigma project involves me lending my Enigma machine to Cambridge University so that they can take it around schools to run workshops with students about code breaking. It travels throughout the United Kingdom and abroad, visiting over 100 schools and organisations. â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"- As you can see, Simon does some awesome work with STEM in education so it really was the perfect treat to have him visit us during National Science and Engineering Week. Thank you Simon, we look forward to chatting to you again soon. If you’d like some amazing scientists to come to your house try: Alfredo C  - Doing a PhD in how galaxies are formed. Recommended for maths tuition and physics tuition. Celine H - Just loves teaching science. Recommended for GCSE biology tuition, GCSE physics tuition and GCSE chemistry tuition. Stuart M -Recommended as a private biology tutor, private chemistry tutor and private maths tutor.

Halloween - Treats not Tricks! - ALOHA Mind Math

Halloween - Treats not Tricks! Here are a few tips that ALOHA recommends to keep your Halloween activities safe so that it is more Treats than Tricks! Make sure your older children travel with at least one friend. Enlist a TRUSTED friend, parent or adult to accompany your younger children on their trick-or-treat route. Accompany your children to the door of the homes on your route. Know who will be giving your children treats. Children should avoid entering homes, unless you have discussed it the specific home with them. Only approach homes that are well lit inside and outside. Do not approach vehicles unless accompanied by you or the trusted adult is with them. Be seen wear reflective clothing, carry a glo-stick or flashlight. Stay in high-traffic areas, dont take short-cuts or enter isolated areas. Teach them to be aware of their surroundings. If someone they dont know attempts to grab them, tell them to get loud and draw attention. Mask safety is important as well can your child see and breathe properly. Hopefully these tips will help you and your family have a wonderful Halloween!

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Preparing your child for their GCSEs - Part 1

Preparing your child for their GCSEs - Part 1 GCSEs are the first set of exams which have an influence on a pupil's career. Successful results enable pupils to take their pick of A-level subjects, and the top universities like to see a stream of A*s and As when it comes to GCSEs on UCAS forms. With that in mind, it's so important to prepare your child well for their GCSE studies. Here are three ways in which you can do this. 1. Stress to your child how important their GCSEs are. This is a chance for them to shine and get their lives off to a great start. Tell them that it's time to knuckle down - and that you'll give them all the love and support they need for success. 2. Organisation is key and comes in two main forms: time management and information organisation. In terms of time, make sure that your child is spending equal amounts of time on each subject when it comes to their homework and coursework. As for storing their work, make sure they have folders for each subject and that they know how to organise each folder. There are a lot of handouts and notes to collate, and organising them from the start makes the inevitable exam revision much easier to handle. 3. A challenge you will face as a parent is the fact that GCSEs happen at the same time that your child's interest in their social life will start to rise. They'll want to go out all the time - or spend all their time on Facebook. Set boundaries for their social lives. Friends are important, but their schoolwork has to take priority.

5 Things Your Dad Actually Wanted for Fathers Day

5 Things Your Dad Actually Wanted for Fathers Day This Jr. must have a very happy Sr. 4. For you to win the lottery Years of paying for your education, your braces, your hobbies, your everything really; wouldnt a cool million just be the ultimate Fathers Day gift? 5. For you to say thanks once in a while Dads and moms are just about the most important people in your life. They are pretty much the sole reasons you are alive (we all took sex ed, right?). For that fact only, forget all the other stuff for a second if you want, they deserve our respect and our thanks. In my opinion, this kind of thing works like a diet. If you choose a fad diet, youll  do well  for a short period and then revert back to your old ways, but if you choose a healthy lifestyle, you will slowly lose weight and be able to keep it off. In the same way, if you use up all your good behavior on one day, dont think that gives you a free pass to revert back to that spoiled brat you were before. So give dad a hug and give mom one too, because after all, its a team effort having to deal with you on a daily basis.

Which Memory Can I Erase For You Today

Which Memory Can I Erase For You Today Photo by paulsvmarsden via Flickr. Although the studies are only now taking place on mice, they bring many ethical questions of memory to the forefront, and also question patient accessibility to this type of treatment in the future, since it involves the use of a future prescription drug to remove the unwanted memories. In an article  from the Boston Globe,  scientists reported that a single dose of an experimental drug combined with behavioral therapy could help mice forget a traumatic event that took place in the distant past. The drug, referred to as a class of HDAC inhibitors, was given to a group of mice being put through re-exposure therapy, a therapy common in the treatment of PTSD that involves exposing the patient to their fear trigger in a safe setting. For the mice, this involved being placed in a box or exposed to a sound in conjunction with a foot shock, causing them to fear the box or sound. Then, they were exposed to the box or sound without the shock, erasing the memory while it was still recent. This treatment didnt work as well for distance memories, however, until the researchers combined it with the experimental drug. They found that the drug combined with the therapy caused the mice to become markedly better at forgetting that the tone or box signaled pain. They also found, as stated in the Boston Globe  article, that the drug caused changes at the cellular level of the brain, inducing changes in the metabolism and connectivity of brain cells. Li-Huei Tsai, director of the Picower Institute for Learning and Memory at MIT and one of the leading researchers in the study, is mentioned in the article as having hopes that the work on using HDAC inhibitors to erase memories will spur pharmaceutical companies to try developing drugs that use the same approach. These hopes are what bring ethics into question regarding these types of studies and treatments. Most individuals worldwide, scientists or not, fully realize the power of modern medicine and its value in society. The amount of lifesaving treatments available to the general population is outstanding and does, indeed, deserve tremendous respect. However, when studies successfully plant false memories and erase painful experiences, and then subsequently have hopes of handing this power over to pharmaceutical companies for prescription use, we should pause and ask ourselves if our society is prepared for it. Prescription drug abuse, the Center for Disease Control said, is the fastest growing drug problem in the United States. To bring this into perspective, one in five Americans, approximately 50 million adults, take prescription psychiatric, mind-altering drugs. That figure is just within the legal sector: another 22 million are on illegal drugs of the same form, plus that of cocaine, heroin and marijuana. Round up the amount of alcoholics and individuals with alcohol problems 18 million and you have roughly 100 million individuals living in an altered state. According to the same report from the CDC, most of the drug overdoses in this country have been caused by the use of a group of prescription drugs called opioid analgesics, like those of Vicodin, Oxytocin and Oxycodone (to name a few). These drugs, according to WedMd,  suppress your perception of pain and calm your emotional response to pain. Here we have millions of Americans legally and illegally dulling their pain through the use of these medications, and a good percentage of the remaining indulging in alcohol to do the same. Viewing these statistics, whos to say that sometime in the future, memory-wiping drugs become available in prescription form, and the population (in terrible shape due to their painful memories) start erasing them completely? This is not to discount the traumatic effects of PTSD and similar disorders or suggest that our researchers stop pursuing cures for mental health disorders. It is also not about grand conspiracy theories involving our scientists and the government wiping our minds, but we do have to realize that past science fiction has become science fact, and parts of conspiracy-like works have become reality (1984, George Orwell and the NSA Spying parallels). This is to take a long, hard look at our future and ask ourselves if memory-wiping is what the future needs to hold. This is to ask what it means to live a rounded life, and what it means to make and learn from our mistakes. Traumatic memories can be painful, even extremely so, but they are also what shape us as individuals. They involve failure, rejection and tears, but they also build strength, resilience and understanding. Should we erase our mistakes and our pains, only to make the same mistakes again because we havent learned from them? Should we erase a few more memories of being bullied in childhood because they are nearly as traumatic as PTSD? Virginia Hughes, writer for  Popular Science, wrote  in an article, The idea of scientists manipulating memory does, naturally, sound a bit creepy but it also points to some possible good: treatment for millions of people tormented by real memories. And that’s something worth remembering, she wrote. Memories are a fact of life and an essential component; they are tied to us not only in our minds, but in our bodies; our feelings, instincts and impulses are a memories entire package. Without a memory to go along with our guts, will we wander through parts of our lives confused, unable to understand why we feel the way we do because we truly cant remember because we willingly erased it from our minds? Like the fictional Joel Barish realized too late, spotless minds may be something worth running from.

A Beka - An Online Tool For Students

A Beka - An Online Tool For StudentsA Beka is really a great tool for those people who are in high school or college. A Beka is an interactive online course that consists of interactive lectures, quizzes, labs exercises to build knowledge on the subjects discussed. The course has been designed by Tomislav Beki and this is the second edition of the Beka. A lot of technical features have been added to the course to cater to the needs of its students.Students will find this course very helpful because it is interactive with English modules. This is not an English-based course but uses the English module as a base for learning purposes. The course gives the students a chance to learn English using an interactive approach so that the process of learning does not get boring. The interactive mode makes sure that students can learn effectively and the English language gets understood by them. Students can compare and contrast things with each other and follow instructions exactly.The A Beka has various subject packages which can be chosen depending upon the kind of learning that the student wants to pursue. Students can choose from the Geometry, Algebra, Functions, Biology, Physics, Geography, Chemistry, Computer Science, Chemistry, Sociology, English, History and Philosophy.The course can be completed within a few months if students take advantage of its online facilities. The online option allows students to make the entire course without spending too much time in traveling. You can go for vacations without wasting your precious time. This makes it easy for students to spend time on the work that interests them.As these courses are so popular, there are many tutors who offer their services to help students in the study. It is best to choose a tutor whom you are comfortable with. Choosing a teacher who is trustworthy and possesses great teaching skills is the best option to get anadvantage in studying.Another option available for students in selecting the tutor is thr ough the Internet. The Internet is a convenient and affordable mode to select tutors for A Beka course. Many tutors are ready to provide their services for an inexpensive rate for students who want to complete the course.Online A Beka is the perfect solution for students who need assistance in their studies. Since this is a simple online approach, this course can be taken at any place.